Nama Perusahaan : Garuda Indonesia
Deskripsi : Garuda Indonesia, which was recently voted the most admired company in Indonesia in the airline category 2007 by IMAC.
Lowongan yang dibutuhkan, Persyaratan, Alamat Surat, Tanggal Penutupan
Lowongan untuk : 1. Cadet Pilots (CAD)
2. Engineers (ENG)
3. IT Personal : Programmers, Network Administrator & System Administrators (IT).
Persyaratan : For Cadet Pilots (CAD) :
- Minimum 17-25 years of age (born between 31 December 1982 and 31 December 1990).
- Minimum Senior High School / SMU Graduate majoring in Science (IPA), Technical School /SMK majoring in aviation.
- Minimum Height 165 cm with proportional weight.
- Good health and good eyeaight (not wearing glasses).
- Single (not yet married).
For Engineers (ENG) :
- Maximum 27 years of age (born afer 31 December 1980).
- Bachelor’s Degree (S1) majoring in Electical/Mechnical/Industrial Engineering (Grade Point Average/GPA/IPK >=2,75).
- PC literate, incliding desktop application competency (Ms.Office, e-mail)
For IT Personnel : Programmers, Network Administrator & System Administrators (IT) :
- Maximum 27 years of age (born after 31 December 1980).
- Bachelor’s Degree (S1) majoring In information Technology/ Electrical Engineering/ Mathematics (Grade Point Average/GPA/IPK>=2,75).
- Experienced in at least one programming language and familiar with data base network or hardware concepts.
Alamat Surat, dsb : If you are interested in joining Garuda Indonesia go to :
(And complete the on-line application form)
Cantumkan dalam surat lamaran, anda mengetahui informasi lowongan ini tanggal berapa dan dari mana (dari website apa atau koran apa atau yang lainnya).
Tgl. Penutupan : 4 Agus 2007 --- iklan dipasang tgl 21 Juli 2007